
Showing posts from September, 2018

Euro Structural Biology 2019

Description: Biochemistry Conferences   welcomes all the participants to 15 th   World Congress on Structural Biology  (  Euro Structural Biology 2019 ) during March 18-19,2019 at Paris, France which focuses on the theme  Exploring the Future Advancements in Structural and Molecular Biology .  Euro Structural Biology 2019  provides an excellent platform to interact with biochemistry professionals and researchers in the field to create a network for collaborations and partnerships. Sessions of Interest: Structural Biology Structural Bioinformatics Structural Virology Structural Biology in Drug Design Structural Biology in Cancer Research Structural Enzymology Structural Biology Complexity Arena Cell Signalling Biology Hybrid Approaches for Structural Predication 3D Structure Determination Genome Informatics NMR & Mass Spectrophotometry Frontiers in Structural Biology Advancements in Structural Biology Drug Ta...